Student Leadership Network
Seven|Eight (or “7|8” for short) recognizes the importance of fostering an inclusive community for first-generation and/or low-income (FGLI) APIA students. We are motivated to provide a space for FGLI APIA students to share their needs, concerns, and struggles, especially as they navigate their undergraduate career. By hosting biweekly dinner discussions and workshops, we connect students with on- and off-campus resources, provide individualized support, and offer networking opportunities to deepen their social capital. We work towards not only creating a safe space and community for our members to freely express themselves and their experiences, but also starting change and garnering support from each other.
Asian Pacific American Heritage Week (APAHW) Founded in 1993, Asian Pacific American Heritage Week is a week-long celebration of the rich and diverse heritage of Asian Pacific Americans. It combines cultural and educational awareness with outreach to the community, while fostering an atmosphere of dialogue between the many different Asian American cultural groups and the greater Penn community. With over 20 years of history behind it, APAHW is among the longest-running programming for minority students, and has a very established presence at the University of Pennsylvania.
Asian Pacific American Leadership Initiative (APALI) APALI began in the fall of 2001 as an initiative of the Pan-Asian American Community House. Through collaboration, PAACH staff and students developed an experiential program to meet the needs of the Asian pacific American (APA) community. The mission of the Asian Pacific American Leadership Initiative (APALI) is to empower students through identity exploration and leadership training in order to provide a foundation to support future endeavors.
Asian Pacific Student Coalition (APSC) Founded in 1994, APSC is directed by an Executive Board and APSC representatives from each constituent group. General Body Meetings bring all constituent groups together to discuss matters of concern, publicize upcoming events, and gather the support of the community in their individual endeavors.
APSC activities include coordinating the Asian Pacific American Heritage Week (APAHW), the Resource Guide for incoming freshmen, and various events such as potlucks, socials, etc. APSC also participates in the development of the Asian American (ASAM) Studies Program and efforts to increase funding and resources at the Greenfield Intercultural Center (GIC) and the Pan-Asian American Community House (PAACH). For more information, please go to: Penn Clubs
Asian Students Promoting Identity, Reflection, and Education (ASPIRE) Established in 2008, the ASPIRE program provides a foundational knowledge of contemporary Asian Pacific American issues for Philadelphia high school students by facilitating open dialogue and identity-based discussions. High school students travel to Penn’s campus once a month for these 2-hour long, facilitator-led discussions, and receive SEPTA tokens for their return-trip back home. The program is open to all high school students with a token for transportation to Penn’s campus included.
Promoting Enriching Experiences and Relationships (PEER) In 2003, the PEER Mentoring Program was established under the Pan-Asian American Community House (PAACH). The program helps first year students adjust to college life, specifically life at the University of Pennsylvania. Throughout the year, there will be an emphasis on identity development, emotional health, academic success, belonging, and community consciousness.
Radical South Asian Collective (RSAC) (Inactive) RSAC is a new student-run organization that was created in response to the lack of South Asian activist communities on campus. We aim to create an inclusive and intersectional space for South Asians to be engaged in community issues.
The South Asian Women’s Space Founded in 2015, the South Asian Women’s Space is a peer-led space that provides respectful discussion and solidarity for South Asian women within the Penn community in an effort to promote identity exploration and learning/unlearning about aspects of our identities in a safe space. We are open to all that identify with the community or are processing through these identities, and women from all religious backgrounds, caste communities, socioeconomic backgrounds, gender identities, skin tones, sexual orientations, ethnic origins across the diaspora are welcome. The space is facilitated by the students with additional support provided by advisors and funding from PAACH, PWC, CAPS and more.
Spice Collective Founded in Fall 2016, Spice Collective is a discussion and organizing space for API non-cis men that provides a space for intersectional identity exploration, especially through the lens of race and gender. We have a retreat, 1.5 hour discussions every other week, and other various activities throughout the semester in an effort to develop an active community that has the knowledge and power to organize both within the group and in other places.
Southeast Asian Circle (SEAC)
With a home at the University of Pennsylvania, Southeast Asian Circle is the world’s first undergraduate business and cultural club dedicated to Southeast Asian students. Southeast Asian Circle strives to enrich the business education of Southeast Asian undergraduates, cultivate a tightly-knit community among all Southeast Asian groups, and uplift local and global Southeast Asian communities through volunteering and business consulting services. We hope the business enrichment opportunities and communal support provided by the club will empower Southeast Asian students to live meaningful lives on campus as well as engender positive impact on the communities around them. Visit at Penn Clubs
Chinese Students and Scholars Association at Penn (CSSAP) The purpose of CSSAP is to improve the mutual understanding and friendship among CSSAP members, to protect members’ legal rights, to provide members with necessary services, and to contribute to cultural diversity of the Penn community. The Chinese Student Support Network (CSSN), affiliated with CSSAP and PAACH, is a support program for Chinese international students at the University of Pennsylvania. The CSSN aims to provide a comfortable, relaxing and safe space for all Chinese international students at Penn to talk about their concerns, share success, and support each other in their intellectual and professional development in the American academic and social life. To find out more about CSSAP, visit our website or email CSSAP Council at
Pan-Asian Graduate Student Association (PAGSA) Founded in 2008, the Pan-Asian Graduate Student Association (PAGSA) seeks to improve the academic and social lives of Asian and Asian American graduate and professional students at the University of Pennsylvania, and increase their awareness about Asian and Asian American issues. Through our various social, academic, health and wellness, and service-related activities, we seek to establish connections between both international Asian and Asian American students across the graduate and professional schools, thereby fostering a sense of community among the Pan-Asian population at Penn.
Rangoli Established in 2000, Rangoli is a University of Pennsylvania organization that was formed to prolong our culture, and rekindle the spirit of various Indian traditions and festivals with verve and vigor. Rangoli is proud to embark upon its fifteenth year as it continues to be one of Penn’s completely incorporated organizations. We are open to every member of Penn’s community as we try to reach out to the various other cultural groups. Rangoli receives its funds from the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, GAPSA.
Faculty, Staff and Community Network
Pan-Asian Faculty Staff Association (PAFSA) exists as a space for our community of Asian and AAPI-identifying staff and faculty to share ideas, knowledge, and connections. PAFSA provides networking and community-building opportunities throughout the year. Besides an email listserv, members are welcome to join a Microsoft Teams Channel for day-to-day engagement to share favorite foods, books, media, as well as opportunities and events available at Penn and beyond.
Asian American Studies Undergraduate Advisory Board (ASAM UAB)
The Asian American Studies Undergraduate Advisory Board is the supporting student organization for the ASAM program and works closely with the faculty on enriching the academic pursuits of students interested in the Asian American experience. ASAM UAB aims to promote Asian American Studies courses and organize other programming to increase awareness and discussion of issues concerning Asian Americans.
Asian Pacific American Nursing Student Association (APANSA)
APANSA exists to explore and resolve the unique challenges, obstacles, and responsibilities specific to APIA nursing students, nurses, and the communities from which they come. The primary purpose of APANSA is to build a national grassroots movement of APIA nurses to advance social justice, health promotion, and access. At Penn, we will foster leadership development, peer mentoring, offer culturally appropriate curricula development recommendations, and engage in social events that will engender relationships that will carry the nursing profession forward. For more information, email or visit Penn Clubs
Korean American Scientists and Engineers Association (KASEA)
The purpose of KASEA is to establish a network of Korean American students and young professionals in science & engineering and to provide, in the areas of science, technology, and entrepreneurship opportunities for international cooperation, career development, and community service. For more information, email
Society of Asian Scientists & Engineers (SASE)
SASE is dedicated to the advancement of Asian heritage scientists and engineers in education and employment so that they can achieve their full career potential. Besides professional development, SASE also encourages members to contribute to the enhancement of the communities in which they live.
Wharton Asian Exchange (WAX)
The Wharton Asia Exchange is a professional student-run organization at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. It was founded, intending to bridge the gap between the university community and the Asian business environment. For more information, email or visit Penn Clubs
Wharton China Association (WCA)
Wharton China Association facilitates the exchange of ideas and knowledge on Chinese business issues and raising opportunities through a network of students, alumni, and professionals. It assists the partnering of Chinese and American businesses and educational institutions. Penn Clubs
Asha for Education
As South Asians privileged with opportunities unavailable to many children in India, we felt that it was our responsibility to support and catalyze socio-economic change through the promotion of basic education. By raising financial resources and awareness on campuses and in the greater Philadelphia community, we hope to fund educational projects that can improve the lives of Indian children in the future.
International Children’s Alliance and OutReach Exchange (iCare) – formerly China Care Club
iCare dedicates its efforts to raising money to provide medical care and a better life to orphans in China who suffer from moderate to life-threatening health conditions. To find out more information, email
As South Asians privileged with opportunities unavailable to many children in India, we felt that it was our responsibility to support and catalyze socio-economic change through the promotion of basic education. By raising financial resources and awareness on campuses and in the greater Philadelphia community, we hope to fund educational projects that can improve the lives of Indian children in the future.
Asian Pacific American Heritage Week (APAHW)
Heritage Week began many years ago to unite and build connections in the Asian American community. APAHW events will showcase Asian American unity and diversity, including a Fashion Show, Charity Gala, Fairs, Film and Arts, and, as always, TONS OF FOOD! Come to our events and share in our experience as Asian Americans! For information about the week or how to volunteer, email
Asian Pacific Student Coalition (APSC)
The primary purpose of APSC is to represent the interests and causes of the Asia Pacific Islander American (APIA) community to the University administration, as well as minority concerns outside of Penn. APSC also functions to promote and celebrate the richness of APIA cultures, facilitate communication between student groups, and provide a forum of discussion on issues of student concern. For more information, email
Assembly of International Students (AIS)
The Assembly of International Students is a policy and advocacy group dedicated to promoting the interests of Penn’s International students. We work closely with student government, the university administration, and the Office of International Programs to create tangible benefits for international student life, to magnify the voices of international students at Penn and beyond and to promote collaboration and harmony between students of different nations and culture. Fore more information, email or visit Penn Clubs
Bangladesh Student Association (BSA)
Penn BSA is a non-political and non-religious student organization created to represent the greater Bangladeshi community and ethnic identity, as well as to address the needs of these students at the University of Pennsylvania. We organize not only cultural and traditional events representing our shared culture, but we plan to host conversations surrounding issues that pertain to our community and identity. JOY BANGLA. For more information, email
Bengali Students Association (BSA) (Inactive)
The Bengali Students Association is the University of Pennsylvania’s gateway to Bengali culture. We achieve our goals through our mentoring program with University City High School, showcases of Bengali culture and literature, and events in collaboration with the United Minorities Council. For more information, email
Check One (multi-racial/multicultural)
Check One is an organization which provides a space for students concerned with the multiethnic/multiracial experience and encourages the celebration and investigation of mixed heritage. Check One seeks to increase community awareness of issues concerning mixed heritage and multiculturalism in an increasingly multicultural society. Check One represents students interested in the issue of mixed race with voicing their political, cultural and social interests while recognizing that each of its members has a unique voice and experience. Penn Clubs
Chinese Students Association (CSA)
CSA is one of the largest and most active Asia Pacific American student groups on campus. From our annual all-you-can eat dumpling festival and cultural show to our CSA family group events and inter-cultural mixers, we always have something going on. We welcome everyone, whether you are ethnically Chinese or simply want to meet some fun Penn students. For more information, email CSA Board or visit Penn Clubs
Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSAP)
Chinese Students and Scholars Association at Penn (CSSAP) is an independent non-political organization founded by the Chinese students and scholars at the University of Pennsylvania. The purpose of CSSAP is to improve mutual understanding and friendship among CSSAP members, to protect members’ legal rights, to provide members with necessary services, and to contribute to cultural diversity of the Penn community.
Club Singapore
Club Singapore is the representative body of the Singaporean undergraduate and graduate student community at Penn. It serves two main purposes: to provide a “home away from home” for Singaporeans and friends, and to raise awareness of the multicultural and multiracial “little red dot” that is Singapore. For more information, email ClubSG Board.
The Colors Project
The Colors Project is a publication at the University of Pennsylvania that gives queer people of color a voice. We are committed to the end of racism, sexism, homophobia, and classism. We publish artwork, essays, poems, and prose to create a space and provide visibility for queer people of color.
Hong Kong Students Association (HKSA)
The Hong Kong Students Association hopes to bring to Penn aspects of what makes Hong Kong so special. By creating a social environment for students to experience cultural traditions, explore career opportunities, and meet dynamic people, we hope to bring interested students together to celebrate the unique nature of Asia’s World City. HKSA is also dedicated to maintaining a strong network of students between Penn and Hong Kong. For more information, please contact
Japan Student Association (JSA)
The Japan Student Association is the most active Japanese interest organization at Penn. Our mission is to provide a social and cultural setting for students from Japan, of Japanese descent, or having an interest in anything related to Japan. Our members consist of undergraduates and graduates from all of Penn’s schools. JSA’s sponsored events include social gatherings, professional conferences, and trips around the east coast. For more information, contact
Koreans at Penn (International-focused) (KAP)
Koreans At Penn is the most active Korean interest organization at the University of Pennsylvania. Koreans At Penn consist mainly of Korean international students whose goal is to learn and promote Korea’s rich history and culture, and provide for improved relations with other cultural communities on campus. The club and its activities are open to all who are interested in Korea. Penn Clubs
Korean Students Association (KSA)
The Korean Students Association consists primarily of second-generation Korean-Americans whose goal is to promote the education and enrichment of its members and the university community with aspects of the Korean culture. The club and its activities are open to all who are interested in the Korean-American community, although KSA’s various social, cultural, and political activities normally cater to fellow second-generation Korean-Americans. For more information, email or visit Penn Clubs
Lebanese Club @ Penn
The Lebanese Club @ Penn is a community that aims to unite students at the University of Pennsylvania who identify with the Lebanese culture – be it with a simple and pure love for the food or coming to us straight from the Motherland! We hold cultural, social and academic events intended to promote Lebanese heritage and culture, and to raise awareness on campus as a minority group. For more information, please contact or visit Penn Clubs
Malaysians at Penn (M@P)
M@P works to bring together people with ties or interests in Malaysia, organize social and cultural activities, and aid freshman, transfers, and exchange students in their adjustment to the University of Pennsylvania. We serve as a representative of the special concerns of Malaysian students at the University of Pennsylvania and to acknowledge the history and continuing existence of Malaysian culture in the United States of America. Penn Clubs
Minorities in Nursing (MNO)
MNO was created hoping to promote cultural awareness in the medical community. We are also committed to community service and providing social and academic support to our members. It is open to all nursing students at the University of Penn. Through our activities, we hope to change the face of nursing! For information on how to join, email or visit Penn Clubs
Oracle Senior Society
Oracle Senior Society was founded with the goal of bringing together Senior Asian/Pacific Islander student leaders from all facets of university life, for networking, as well as exchanging experiences and ideas.
Penn Arab Student Society (PASS)
The University of Pennsylvania’s Arab Student Society’s (PASS) goal is to provide our university with an organization geared towards exploring Arab heritage and culture. PASS provides a forum for Arab students and all interested in Arab culture to meet and discuss issues relevant to the Arab World and Arab communities in the United States. We also seek to provide newly admitted and prospective Arab students with the information to further assist them with their transition to the University of Pennsylvania. For more information, email
Penn Bangladesh Society
The mission of Penn Bangladesh Society is to make the Bangladeshi presence felt on campus. While other South Asian societies have strong presence on campus, hosting cultural events and performing outreach to potential students, no such student society exists to further the Bangladeshi culture and presence. The group aims to bring all Penn students of Bangladeshi origin together, such that they can work together to promote and nurture their culture and heritage. For more information, email
Penn Hawaii
Hui ‘O Hawai’i is an organization made up of a diverse group of students interested in disseminating knowledge of the Hawaiian culture throughout the university. Our goal here is to spread the aloha spirit, and in addition, function as a support system for students from Hawaii. For more information, contact or visit Penn Clubs
Penn for Immigrant Rights (PIR)
The organization Penn for Immigrant Rights was created in 2012, at the University of Pennsylvania, by a group of students concerned with the various issues concerning immigration. Penn Clubs
Penn Indonesians
Penn Indonesians works to foster a close-knit community for Indonesians and people with interests in Indonesia, to promote awareness and understanding of Indonesia among members of the university and the Greater Philadelphia area, and to establish an alumni network to interact with current and prospective students from Indonesia. For more information, email
Penn Pakistan Society (PPS)
The mission of the Penn Pakistan Society is to increase awareness of and to educate the Penn community about Pakistani culture and heritage and to mobilize students in order to address pertinent issues that face the entire Pakistani community, the Pakistani collegiate community in America and the Penn Pakistani community. PPS also helps to facilitate the adjustment process for incoming Pakistani students at Penn. For more information, email
Penn Persian Society
The Penn Persian Society works to increase exposure to and understanding of Iran through speakers, events, and other educational resources, to confront common misconceptions regarding Iranians/Persians by providing an academic forum for productive dialogue and discussion, and to unify and empower the Iranian-American community at the University of Pennsylvania. Penn Clubs
Penn Philippine Association (PPA)
The Penn Philippine Association (PPA) promotes the awareness and appreciation of Filipino culture at Penn and throughout the Philadelphia community. PPA has further solidified its involvement in the community through increased events that focus on the rich history of the Philippines and issues that effect Filipinos both here and abroad. PPA prides itself in the strong sense of family that develops between its members–both of Filipino descent and not. For more information, email PPA Board.
Penn Sri Lankan Club
The Penn Sri Lankan Club is an organization for all students of Sri Lankan descent or who are interested in the Sri Lankan culture. For more information, contact us at
Penn Taiwanese Society (PTS)
The Penn Taiwanese Society is the destination for all undergraduate students interested in Taiwanese affairs. Our recent events have included Night Market, a collaboration replicating the experience of an authentic Taiwanese night market, as well as Bubble Tea Social, our annual all-you-can-drink bubble tea extravaganza. We also host everything from educational workshops and study breaks to dim sum and karaoke trips. PTS is committed to bringing the best cultural experience and family environment for all those interested. For more info, feel free to email us at or visit Penn Clubs
Penn Thai
Thai Student Association of the University of Pennsylvania, also more affectionately known as PennThai, is a student group that seeks to promote the unique Thai culture and provide support for Thai students here at the university. We organize a plethora of events for our members and the Penn community, ranging from small gatherings to our signature extravaganza, Thai Night! For more information, email
Queer People of Color (QPOC)
Queer People of Color (QPOC) seeks to address issues that pertain to individuals who identify simultaneously as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer (LGBTQ) and as the persons of color by providing a social space and general support for them. Our events hope to foster awareness about the issues and concerns affecting LGBTQ students of color. For more information, email
The mission of Sangam is to promote discussion on social, political and cultural issues pertaining to the Asian community. By choosing topics of current problems to the community, we hope to serve as an outlet and a resource for proactive solutions. Come check out one of our Chai Chats! For more information, email us at or visit Penn Clubs
South Asia Society (SAS)
The South Asia Society at Penn serves all South Asians on campus, or anyone who is interested in South Asian culture. If you identify either wholly or partially with either of these, join SAS! We display and educate Penn about South Asian culture through cultural, political, and social events, so come out to anything that interests you! For more info on what we do, email us at or visit Penn Clubs
Vietnamese Students Association (VSA)
The Vietnamese Students Association is an organization committed to celebrating and sharing Vietnamese culture with the Penn community. We warmly welcome anyone who is interested to be a part of our organization. Throughout the year, we have many activities such as dinners at local Vietnamese restaurants, dance performances, potlucks, game nights, cooking workshops and our biggest event of the year, an annual culture show. For more information, contact or visit Penn Clubs
Asian Pacific American Law Students (APALSA)
Penn APALSA is the Asia Pacific American Law Students Association and the largest student-run organization at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. APALSA is an organization committed to providing its members with the tools and support they need to ensure a successful and holistic learning experience at Penn Law. For more information, email or visit Penn Clubs
Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA)
APAMSA is a cultural, educational, service and social organization interested in issues related to medicine in the Asian-American community. Every Tuesday, medical students volunteer at Unity Clinic, a free clinic serving an immigrant population in Philadelphia. As part of our service to the Asian-American community, we also partner with Hepatitis B Free Philly to educate the community about Hepatitis B and to organize Hepatitis B screening and vaccination programs.
Chinese Dental Association (CDA)
The purpose of this association is primarily to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and experiences, the establishment of professional and community contacts, service-based outreach to the Philadelphia community, and the discussion of common interests and concerns among its members. Membership in the CDA shall not be limited to persons of Chinese background, but is open to all students, residents and faculty members interested in Chinese culture.
Graduate and Professional Student Assembly
GAPSA is the university-wide student government for all graduate and professional students at the University of Pennsylvania. Find out more about GAPSA and its constituent organizations at Penn Clubs
Chinese Students and Scholars Association at Penn (CSSAP)
CSSAP is an independent non-political organization founded by the Chinese students and scholars at the University of Pennsylvania. The purpose of CSSAP is to improve mutual understanding and friendship among CSSAP members, to protect members’ legal rights, to provide members with necessary services, and to contribute to cultural diversity of the Penn community.
Indian Students Dental Association (ISDA)
ISDA is a young, vibrant and highly active organization at The University of Pennsylvania. It aspires to be a social and a professional club that serves its members at a multitude of levels. It aims to promote cultural awareness and celebrate the cultural values throughout the Penn community by hosting various events and functions. For more information, email
Korean Graduate Students Association (KoGSA)
KoGSA promoted fellowship among Korean graduate students in various departments. Through social, academic, and cultural events, KoGSA allows students to exchange scholastic and cultural information. Also, KoGSA strives to introduce Korean culture and tradition to the University of Pennsylvania community in collaboration with undergraduate Korean student associations. For more information, email or visit Penn Clubs
Korean Student Association (KSA) at the Graduate School of Education
KSA helped students interested in Korea share information related to academia and life in Philadelphia and at Penn. They hold regular meetings to discuss current educational issues in Korea and in the States. For more information, email
Korean Student Dental Association (KSDA)
The Korean Student Dental Association upholds Korean traditions while at Penn Dental Medicine, holds events for those interested in the Korean culture, and provides service to the communities within and outside of the school. We would like to expand and inform others of the Korean culture and plan to develop community outreach programs around the area and building strong networks with alumni and Korean student body associations in other dental schools across the nation.
Middle Eastern Law Students Association (MELSA)
MELSA promotes an understanding of Middle Eastern cultures, politics, and legal institutions and also encourages dialogue between students connected to or interested in the region.
Penn South Asian Medical Student Association (SAMoSA)
SAMoSA works to increase awareness of South Asia Health issues and strengthen the South Asia community amongst medical students, undergraduates, residents, and physicians at Penn.
South Asian Law Students Association (SALSA)
SALSA is an organization that serves the South Asian law student community at Penn in a variety of ways: we take part in the various South Asian cultural activities on Penn’s campus, sponsor an array of lunches, dinners, and happy hours to build South Asian solidarity at the law school, and network with local South Asian professional associations. We also work with South Asian graduate student groups both at Penn and beyond, including those law students affiliated with the North American South Asian Law Students Association (NASALSA).
Students Confronting Racism and White Privilege (SCRWP) at the Graduate School of Education
SCRWP provides a discussion space for those who are interested in engaging in conversations surrounding racism. The group was founded by white students with the purpose of confronting their own white privilege. Today, SCRWP is a multiracial coalition of students examining race-related issues in ourselves, our schools, and our society. The group provides a space to do internal work on race and identity that rarely happens in classrooms. The only requirement is a desire to take an anti-racist stance in learning about race and whiteness, and a willingness to face discomfort, uncertainty, or anger. For more info, email
Taiwanese Dental Association (TDA)
The Taiwanese Dental Association fosters a forum for students to experience the social and cultural aspects of Taiwanese culture. Our mission is to promote students’ interest in Taiwanese culture at the dental school and to also allow students of common backgrounds to form bonds and to better transition to life in Philadelphia. TDA will explore Taiwanese heritage and culture, reach out to other student organizations and communities, and establish a supportive and unified network of Taiwanese and other interested individuals at school.
Taiwanese Graduate and Professional Student Association (TGAPSA)
TGAPSA aims to provide a network and community for not only Taiwanese Penn graduate students but also who are interested in Taiwanese affairs. Different from Undergraduates’ Penn Taiwanese Society, we attract graduate and professional students university wise. Monthly events and programs are held to foster the bound and cultural enrichment for both TGAPSA members and the greater Penn community. Event examples: Chinese New Year Celebration, basketball tournament, educational workshops, food trips, karaoke, etc. TGAPSA also strives to hold strong relationships with Penn GAPSA with the goal of promoting unity at Penn. For more information, email
Teaching Chinese@Penn (TC@Penn) at the Graduate School of Education
TC@Penn is a student organization within the Graduate School of Education. In order to promote Chinese language and culture, we offer free Chinese language classes and tutoring to students at Penn. We also host teacher-training workshops for teachers who serve for TC@Penn and other cultural workshops and events open to all students. Currently, we are looking for graduate students who are interested in promoting Chinese culture and language. For more info, email
UPenn TESOL Taiwanese Student Association (UTTSA) at the Graduate School of Education
UTTSA provides a forum where students can discuss how to combine TESOL theories with practice, how to improve English skills, and how to manage course work. UTTSA also coordinates networking opportunities with alumni, where current students can learn about their work experiences and the PhD application process.
Alpha Kappa Delta Phi Sorority, Inc. (aKDPhi)
Discover the magic of sisterhood with alpha Kappa Delta Phi – the first and largest nationwide Asian-American interest sorority in the U.S! The Theta Chapter has a 14 year history as the first Asian-interest sorority at UPenn, and is an active member of the Multicultural Greek Council (MGC), Asian Pacific Students Coalition, Penn Consortium of Undergraduate Women, and APIA Greek Alliance. For more information, please contact us at or visit Penn Clubs
Sigma Beta Rho
Sigma Beta Rho Fraternity was established at the University of Pennsylvania to instill leadership qualities in campus men, organize and motivate UPenn men to provide service to our society, and to raise cultural awareness on our campus. Sigma Beta Rho was founded to embody the ideals of society, Brotherhood, and Remembrance among its members. For more information, email
Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority, Inc.
Sigma Psi Zeta is a multicultural, Asian-interest Greek organization. We are a cultural, social, educational and community service-oriented sorority. It is one of the largest and most distinguished Asian-interest sororities in the nation, and it is the first officially recognized Asian-interest sorority at Penn. Penn Clubs
Atma is the University of Pennsylvania’s all-female South Asian A Cappella group. From its inception in the fall of 2000, Atma has grown as a group of talented vocalists from many cultural backgrounds who sought to combine their diverse musical abilities. Today, our repertoire has expanded to include a wide variety of songs, ranging from Hindi film music to popular R&B pieces. For more information, contact or visit Penn Clubs
Chinese Music Society (Inactive)
Join us in our mission to spread awareness of Chinese music and culture at Penn and in its surrounding community, and explore your own interests in Chinese music! Each semester, we hold a student concert showcasing music ranging from traditional Chinese music to contemporary pop music and orchestral pieces arranged by our own members. For more information, contact
Founded in 2001, Penn Dhamaka is Penn’s only all-male dance troupe. We seek to spread the culture of South Asia through performing dances that combine a wide variety of both South Asian and Western styles. For more information, email us at or visit Penn Clubs
Hype is a co-ed, multi-cultural, performance art group at the University of Pennsylvania. Consisting of members from different nationalities and dance backgrounds, Hype was formed to incorporate a variety of dance styles into each performance, creating a true fusion dance group. Hype works with performance styles that include but are certainly not limited to: hip-hop, bhangra, jazz, salsa, reggaeton, funk, sports, acting and gymnastics. For more information, contact
KLASS (Inactive)
KLASS is a Korean-American hip-hop group at the University of Pennsylvania. Our mission is to live the hip hop culture and connect with others through our passion for rap. Our aim is to create a community of individuals with a passion for rapping, and to serve the Penn community by writing and sharing our stories through the medium of rap.
YouTube channel or email
Pan Asian Dance Troupe
The only dance troupe of its kind at the University of Pennsylvania, the Pan-Asian Dance Troupe seeks to celebrate and educate the community on Pan-Asian culture through traditional, modern, and fusion dances, and to establish an organization in which people of all nationalities can learn to express themselves through the art of dance. For more information, email or visit Penn Clubs
Penn Du Re
Penn Du Re is a group dedicated to poongmul, which is traditional Korean folk music practiced by the agrarian society. For more information, email us at
Penn Lions
Penn Lions is Penn’s premier East Asian lion dance troupe. Founded in 2007, the troupe performs regularly during Lunar New Year and throughout the year for organizations on campus and around the northeast region. Penn Lions has performed for NBC, CBS, Philadelphia’s Mayor Nutter, Delaware’s Senators, US Ambassadors, Chinese Central Television, US Men’s Soccer, and countless weddings and charity organizations. For more information, email or visit Penn Clubs
Penn Masala
Penn Masala, the world’s first and premier South Asian a cappella group, was formed in 1996 by a group of students at the University of Pennsylvania. Penn Masala’s music has been influenced by the Eastern and Western cultures that represent the group’s membership. In twelve years, Penn Masala has released six albums, toured extensively across the United States, stopping in major cities, including New York, Los Angeles, Orlando, Chicago, and Austin, and has toured internationally to England and India. For more information, email us at or visit Penn Clubs
Penn Masti
Masti is Penn’s first co-ed South Asian fusion dance team. The name Masti means “flirtation” or “mischief,” and our members certainly have a mix of both. We all have different tastes, styles and varied dance experience (from years of Bharata Natyam training to childhood Filmy dances). Over the past several years, Masti has integrated many South Asian traditional, and folk dance styles such as Bhangra, Kathak, and Raas with other genres from around the world, including Ballet, Step, and Salsa. Penn Masti has its annual show in the Spring. Subscribe to our Youtube channel, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and email us at or visit Penn Clubs
PENNaach is Penn’s internationally award-winning all-female South Asian Dance troupe. PENNaach prides itself on being able to represent the vast diversity of South Asian dance. Past performances have included both classical and modern items, as well as fusion pieces. Venues include an annual show on Penn’s campus, guest performances in the greater Philadelphia area, and national and international competitions. For more information, email
PenNaatak is Penn’s only South Asian theater troupe. We are dedicated to exploring issues in the South Asian diaspora through theater. Our previous productions include Mahesh Dattani’s “Tara”, Ayub Khan-Din’s “East is East”, Vijay Tendulkar’s “Silence! The Court Is In Session” and Tom Stoppard’s “Indian Ink”. For more information, email us at
Penn QuakeRaas
Penn QuakeRaas is Penn’s only co-ed competitive Indian dance team. Garba Raas is an energetic Indian folk dance which originated in Gujarat hundreds of years ago but has now grown in to a full-fledged competitive circuit. Penn QuakeRaas was formed in 2007 and is UPenn’s premier garba/raas team, composed of both undergraduate and graduate students. The team’s status as an exclusively competitive team makes it a unique South Asian dance group at Penn. For more information, email
Penn Sargam
Penn Sargam is Penn’s first student-group dedicated to promoting Indian Classical Music. Established in 2004, Sargam has grown to include musicians from all backgrounds who share a common passion for Indian Classical Music. With Carnatic and Hindustani vocals, as well as instruments ranging from sitar and tabla to guitar and drums, violins and veenas to bass and flute, Penn Sargam presents to you a memorable journey through the musics of India. For more information, email
Penn Sori
PennSori is an a cappella group dedicated to serve as a cultural bridge between Korean and American cultures. In order to meet this goal, we sing various Korean and American songs a cappella style. In fact, many times we mix Korean songs and American songs in order to create a product that is unique, cross-cultural, and fun to hear. For more information, YouTube channel, email or visit Penn Clubs
Penn Thillana
Penn Thillana’s mission is to share various forms of Indian classical dance with the Penn community and beyond. While one of our goals is to learn and grow from practicing classical dance at a personal level, the most important is to present others with the innumerable possibilities of classical dance. For more information, email or visit Penn Clubs
Penn Yo shares a mission to bring the sounds of popular Chinese songs to the United States through a cappella. The process is not so much a direct replication of existing music as it is an evolution into a new, which the group hopes will appeal to existing fans of Chinese music, as well as those who have never been exposed before. For more information, email or visit Penn Clubs
Y’alla Middle Eastern Dance & Drum Toupe
Yalla is the University of Pennsylvania’s only Middle Eastern drum and dance troupe. We strive to not only teach our members about Middle Eastern music and dancing, but also about Middle Eastern culture as well. For more information, email us at
Grace Fellowship (the Cantonese speaking student group of the Chinese Christian Church & Center)
We are a fun and dynamic group of young people wanting to learn more about Jesus Christ and His love for us through various activities, such as having dinner together, singing, studying the Bible, games, and topical discussions.
Hindu Students Council / Young Jains of America (HSC/YJA)
The Hindu Students Council / Young Jains of America is an organization whose goal is to create an awareness of the Hindu and Jain faiths on campus. We attempt to incorporate diverse aspects of these two faiths– service, devotion, spiritual knowledge, and well-being– into the activities and programs we plan for the year, which include awareness weeks, celebrations of major festivals and holidays, and service trips and initiatives. For more information, email
Living Water Christian Fellowship
(the English-speaking student group of the Chinese Christian Church & Center)
Our fellowship comprises students from Drexel, LaSalle, Penn, Penn State-Abington, Temple, UArts, and USP. We welcome all undergraduates, regardless of your background, so please come and join us.
Muslim Students Association
Whether you’re interested in learning more about Islam, making great friends, looking to get involved in community initiatives, organize educational, social and interfaith events, or any other interest pertaining to Islam and religious life at Penn, the MSA has something to offer you. Being one of the most active student groups on campus, the MSA at Penn provides a valuable resource for those interested in Islam. For more information, email or visit Penn Clubs
Penn Sikh Organization
The Penn Sikh Organization is open to all students, undergraduates and graduates of the University of Pennsylvania and all neighboring Philadelphia universities. Our organization’s goals include fostering an awareness of Sikhism with displays of religion, culture, heritage, and community service throughout the Penn and Philadelphia communities.